QWS Awarding Bodies: Issue Resolved Due to a technical issue, over the last 48hrs schools may have experienced an issue importing Awarding Bodies data from QWS. This issue has now been resolved. Please download a new Awarding Bodies file from tomorrow (to allow overnight changes to be actioned) if you wish to import this data.
Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Last Updated: 25/01/2024 13:23:16
CONFIRMATION IN ADVANCE OF CENSUS: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES. PLEASE BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE WHO WORK WITH KS4 AND POST 16 QUALIFICATIONS - INCLUDING EXAMS OFFICERS Please note that the discount codes listed on QWS may not necessarily be the ones in use for KS4 performance tables. The codes in use on QWS apply to 16-18 performance tables only and for many qualifications different codes are used in KS4. KS4 discount codes can be found at 'KS4 discount codes' on the GOV.UK web site.
Last Updated: 04/10/2023 08:47:24
T level discount codes changes Please note - for schools who teach T levels: to keep QWS data in line with other data we have amended all T level learning aim and occupational specialism discount codes. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Last Updated: 16/05/2023 12:08:31
Change to an occupational specialism qualification reference number An incorrect qualification reference number has been corrected on QWS. Qualification reference number ZTLOS051 was incorrectly referring to two different Occupational Specialisms for T Levels. The corrected data shows ZTLOS051 as ‘Machining and Toolmaking Technologies’, and ZTLOS052 as ‘Composites Manufacturing Technologies ‘. We apologise for the error that has had to be amended. If code ZTLOS051 has been used in your school’s MIS the data should be checked to ensure it relates to the correct occupational specialism and amended (where necessary) so that correct data is returned in the 2023 Autumn School Census.
Last Updated: 22/02/2023 14:41:05
Information about qualifications funded for 14-16 age range only QWS was set up to provide a list of qualifications for use in reporting post-16 learning aims for the autumn school census. While the data is used in some school Management Information Systems for other purposes these are not the main reason that QWS exists. A change to the system for approving qualifications means that QWS can no longer hold qualifications that are not approved for funding for pupils aged over 16. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and suggest contacting your school system supplier for advice on what action to take if your school system uses QWS for pre-16 qualifications.
Last Updated: 22/09/2022 15:03:34
CONFIRMATION IN ADVANCE OF CENSUS: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES. PLEASE BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE WHO WORK WITH KS4 AND POST 16 QUALIFICATIONS - INCLUDING EXAMS OFFICERS In advance of the 2022 autumn census we hope you will find it useful that below we have repeated information previously published on QWS latest news in 2021. This is intended to save you time if you have questions that may be answered by reference to the following information about KS4 and Post 16 discount codes:
Please be aware that the discount codes listed on QWS may not necessarily be the ones in use for KS4 performance tables. The codes in use on QWS apply to 16-18 performance tables only and for many qualifications different codes are used in KS4. KS4 discount codes can be found at KS4 discount codes.
Last Updated: 22/09/2022 14:06:18
Changes to two discount codes We are sorry to amend the following discount codes. This is to reflect some changes in coding methodology in advance of the autumn census. Only those schools using the following qualifications are affected: QAN 61000079 - discount code changed from AK6 to ZZZA; QAN 6100008X - discount code changed from AK4 to ZZZA.
Last Updated: 18/08/2022 15:08:26
Changes to some multiple pathway QANs Schools who do not use the QANs in the following update do not need to take any action. These changes have been made to ensure QWS is updated alongside other data sources: QAN 6006870X (performing arts) has been converted into a multiple pathway QAN. QAN 50026045 (Design and technology) - pathway 9080 title amended to 'product design'; QAN 50071026 (production arts) - pathway LE22 title amended to 'theatre technology; QANs 50072985, 50071440, 50075644 (art and design) - pathway JK1 title amended to 'fashion and clothing' and pathway KJ25 title amended to 'interactive media'; QAN 50073333 (art and design) pathway KJ25 title amended to interactive media. We apologise for any inconvenience these updates may cause.
Last Updated: 29/06/2022 14:38:16
CONFIRMATION IN ADVANCE OF CENSUS: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES. PLEASE BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE WHO WORK WITH KS4 AND POST 16 QUALIFICATIONS - INCLUDING EXAMS OFFICERS In advance of the 2021 autumn census we hope you will find it useful that below we have repeated information previously published on QWS latest news in October 2020. This is intended to save you time if you have questions that may be answered by reference to the following information about KS4 and Post 16 discount codes:
Please be aware that the discount codes listed on QWS may not necessarily be the ones in use for KS4 performance tables. The codes in use on QWS apply to 16-18 performance tables only and for many qualifications different codes are used in KS4. KS4 discount codes can be found at ‘KS4 discount codes’ on the GOV.UK web site.
Last Updated: 17/09/2021 10:26:46
Discount code change - QAN 60330405 The discount code for QAN 60330405 (Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Health Science) has been amended from PA1 to 1010. This is to bring it into line with other data sources. We apologise for any inconvenience this amendment may cause. This does not affect schools who are not using this QAN.
Last Updated: 16/09/2021 10:11:18
T Levels: Updates to codes for core T Level and Occupational Specialism QANs QWS has been updated with the latest codes for core T level and Occupational Specialism QANs. With apologies - these changes were necessary to ensure QWS is kept in line with other data sources. For core T level QANs 60358294, 60358300 and 60358324 - the qualification type and discount code have been amended. The awarding body, qualification type and discount codes have been amended for the following occupational Specialisms: ZTLOS001, ZTLOS002, ZTLOS003, ZTLOS004, ZTLOS005, ZTLOS006, ZTLOS007.
Last Updated: 12/08/2021 10:46:40
T Levels: Occupational Specialism QAN references for starts from autumn 2021 onwards To ensure consistency across qualification data sources we have updated the QAN references for T Level Occupational Specialisms.
Schools should continue to use the original QAN references for students who started Occupational Specialisms in autumn 2020 until they complete their courses. These QANs will have an approval end date of 31 July 2021 and a certification end date of 31 July 2023.
However, for students starting Occupational Specialisms from autumn 2021 onwards schools must record the new QAN reference. These new QANs will all start with ‘ZTLOS…’
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Last Updated: 01/04/2021 13:36:10
QWS unavailability QWS is likely to be unavailable on the evening of Friday 9 October and on Saturday 10 October. The service may be resumed at some point in the afternoon on Saturday and is planned to be working normally on Monday 12 October. This is due to necessary security work. We apologise for inconvenience caused.
Last Updated: 02/10/2020 09:32:20
CONFIRMATION IN ADVANCE OF CENSUS: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES. PLEASE BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE WHO WORK WITH KS4 AND POST 16 QUALIFICATIONS - INCLUDING EXAMS OFFICERS In advance of the 2020 autumn census we hope you will find it useful that below we have repeated information previously published on QWS latest news in September 2019. This is intended to save you time if you have questions that may be answered by reference to the following information about KS4 and Post 16 discount codes:
Please be aware that the discount codes listed on QWS may not necessarily be the ones in use for KS4 performance tables. The codes in use on QWS apply to 16-18 performance tables only and for many qualifications different codes are used in KS4. KS4 discount codes can be found at KS4 discount codes.
Last Updated: 11/09/2020 09:06:57
QAN 60068218 - discount code change With apologies for any inconvenience caused, the discount code for the visual arts pathway for qualification 60068218 has been amended from LC11 to JA11. This brings the QAN/discount code combination in line with other sources. There does not affect schools not using this QAN.
Last Updated: 21/08/2020 14:39:53
QWS unavailable for a short period on the afternoon of Friday 7 August (3pm) Please be aware that QWS will be unavailable for a short period on the afternoon of Friday 7 August for important updating work. The interruption is expected to last no more than 30 minutes and is currently planned to be at around 3pm.
Last Updated: 06/08/2020 10:10:29
Qualification funding approval information and queries For information or advice on qualification funding approval please look at the ESFA qualification funding approval manual which may be found at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/qualification-funding-approval. Queries about qualification funding approval should be sent via an ESFA enquiry form which can be found on the ESFA Gov.UK home page https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/education-and-skills-funding-agency
Last Updated: 24/07/2020 14:31:12
Changes to approval dates - review of post 16 qualifications at level 3 and below In line with the review of post 16 qualifications at level 3 and below in England, approval dates for some qualifications have been updated on the QWS web site to reflect changes made on the ESFA list of qualifications approved for funding (https://section96.education.gov.uk/) (formerly known as the Section 96 web site). For information about these changes please check the ESFA’s explanation at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/qualification-funding-approval/changes-from-the-qualification-reviews
Last Updated: 02/07/2020 16:18:44
Discount code changes for QANs 60084029 (fork lift truck operations) and 60330855 (gas engineering) With apologies for any inconvenience caused, for reasons of consistency the discount code for QAN 60084029 (fork lift truck operations) has been amended to ZP5; and the discount code for QAN 60330855 (gas engineering) has been changed to TH5. This does not affect schools not using these QANs.
Last Updated: 11/03/2020 15:12:24
QANs 60346401, 60346425, 60346437, 60346449 QANs 60346401, 60346425, 60346437, 60346449 have been removed from QWS as they appeared there in error. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Last Updated: 19/02/2020 15:54:05
QAN 60304066 With apologies for any inconvenience caused, our sources have informed us that for QAN 60304066 the discount code of the ‘Performing Arts with a dance approach)’ syllabus has changed from LC11 to LB1. We have taken action on QWS to reflect this and have made the QAN a multiple pathway qualification. If you do not use this qualification this will not affect you.
Last Updated: 17/02/2020 11:26:43
Discount code change for QAN 60173713 (digital technologies) With apologies for any inconvenience caused, for reasons of consistency the discount code for QAN 60173713 (digital technologies) has been amended from CM4 to CN1. Schools not using this QAN are not affected.
Last Updated: 15/01/2020 10:31:09
CONFIRMATION IN ADVANCE OF CENSUS: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES. PLEASE BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE WHO WORK WITH KS4 AND POST 16 QUALIFICATIONS - INCLUDING EXAMS OFFICERS In advance of the 2019 autumn census we hope you will find it useful that below we have repeated information previously published on QWS latest news in September 2018. This is intended to save you time if you have questions that may be answered by reference to the following information about KS4 and Post 16 discount codes: Please be aware that the discount codes listed on QWS may not necessarily be the ones in use for KS4 performance tables. The codes in use on QWS apply to 16-18 performance tables only and for many qualifications different codes are used in KS4. KS4 discount codes can be found at the following web address: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/key-stage-4-qualifications-discount-codes-and-point-scores
Last Updated: 18/09/2019 11:40:06
Changes to codes on QWS With apologies for any inconvenience caused, the following QANs have had their discount codes amended for reasons of consistency. Schools not using these QANs are not affected. Food and cookery (discount code NA1 to NH6; QANs 6014533X, 60146618); smart product design and manufacture (discount code WA to VF3; QANs 60145572, 60145584); land and wildlife management (discount code SQ1 to QA21; QANs 60175576, 60175588, 60175643, 60175655); Coaching Sport and Instructing Physical Activities (discount code MA4 to MD9; QAN 60176969).
Additionally, the SSFT associated with discount code VF3 has been changed from 9.2 to 4.2. This is also for reasons of consistency.
Last Updated: 10/12/2018 14:50:26
CONFIRMATION IN ADVANCE OF CENSUS: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES. PLEASE BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE WHO WORK WITH KS4 AND POST 16 QUALIFICATIONS - INCLUDING EXAMS OFFICERS In advance of the 2018 autumn census we hope you will find it useful that below we have repeated information previously published on QWS latest news on 20 September 2017. This is intended to save you time if you have questions that may be answered by reference to the following information about KS4 and Post 16 discount codes:
Please be aware that the discount codes listed on QWS may not necessarily be the ones in use for KS4 performance tables. The codes in use on QWS apply to 16-18 performance tables only and for many qualifications different codes are used in KS4. KS4 discount codes can be found at the following web address: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/key-stage-4-qualifications-discount-codes-and-point-scores
Last Updated: 18/09/2018 15:06:22
Removal of a duplicate QAN A duplicate QAN was discovered on the current QAN list. This duplicate has now been removed. The relevant QAN reference is 60182477 (Open College Network West Midlands Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Food and Beverage Service; discount code NB1). The QAN remaining on QWS has a QAN ID of 10031160. The duplicate QAN removed had a QAN ID of 10031202. There was no difference in the two QANs so the remaining QAN reference should be used for this qualification. This does not affect schools not teaching this qualification. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Last Updated: 10/07/2018 15:16:05
Discount code update Four QANs have had their discount codes updated from zero to their correct code. These QANs are as follows: 60316275 (HC42); 6031784X (HC42); 60311514 (HC7); 60316159 (HC42). Awarding body and qualification type codes have also been updated for these QANs. Schools not using these QANs are not affected. With apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Last Updated: 15/03/2018 13:34:26
Discount Code Changes With apologies for any inconvenience caused, the following QANs have had their discount codes amended for reasons of consistency. Schools not using these QANs are not affected: 5008687X, 50089729, 60036254 (Camouflage Make-up - HL13 to HL2); 60174158, 6017416X, 60174420 (Insulation and Building Treatments – TG51 to TG1).
Last Updated: 02/10/2017 15:54:28
CONFIRMATION IN ADVANCE OF CENSUS: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES. PLEASE BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE WHO WORK WITH KS4 AND POST 16 QUALIFICATIONS - INCLUDING EXAMS OFFICERS In advance of the 2017 autumn census we hope you will find it useful that below we have repeated information previously published on QWS latest news in October 2016. This is intended to save you time if you have questions that may be answered by reference to the following information about KS4 and Post 16 discount codes:
Please be aware that the discount codes listed on QWS may not necessarily be the ones in use for KS4 performance tables. The codes in use on QWS apply to 16-18 performance tables only and for many qualifications different codes are used in KS4. KS4 discount codes can be found on the GOV.UK website on the page: Performance tables: approved qualifications and discount codes (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/2018-performance-tables-discount-codes).
Last Updated: 20/09/2017 14:36:10
Discount Code Changes With apologies for any inconvenience caused, the following QANs have had their discount codes amended for reasons of consistency. Schools not using these QANs are not affected: 60302501, 60302495 (training and behaviour change – GC72 to MD9); 60095246, 60095775, 60112475, 60112487 (supporting delivery of physical education and school sport – PA1 to GC7); 60178085 (instructing suspension training - MA4 to GC72); 50108232, 50108244, 50108256, 60188431 (speaking and listening skills for adult learners – HB1 to HD2); 50062177, 50062529, 50062542 (highway electrical work – TK7 to TH22).
Last Updated: 18/09/2017 11:22:27
Discount Code Changes With apologies for any inconvenience caused, the following QANs have had their discount codes amended for reasons of consistency. Schools not using these QANs are not affected: 60165509, 60312166, 60312178 (civil engineering – TL1 to TG1); 60304807 (recreation assistants – MA1 to NL2); 60311629 (fitness instructing/physical activity – GC72 to MD9); 60312099 (professional cookery – NE1 to NE2); 6031218X, 60312191 (building services engineering – TH12 to TG1); 6031235X (music – LF1 to L J9); 60312373 (customer service – BA3 to AB2); 60312403 (retail).
Last Updated: 02/08/2017 14:30:02
Discount Code Changes For reasons of consistency, the following qualifications have had their discount codes amended. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Schools who are not using these QANs are not affected. Body Massage (HK1 to HK4): 50062335, 50062360, 50073473, 60006900, and 60024793 (HL1 to HK4); Skills for working in animal care industries (SP2 to HC42): 60315271, 60315283, 60315295, 60315301, 60315313, 60315325, 60315337, 60315349, 60315350, 60315362, 6031543x, 60315441, 60315453, 60315465, 60315477, 60315489, 60315490, 60315519, 60315520, 60315532, 60315544, 60315556, 60315568, 6031557x, 60315581; Speaking and listening in Greek: 50069093 (FKG to FKK).
Last Updated: 19/07/2017 12:06:27
Discount Code Changes With apologies for any inconvenience caused, the discount codes for the following QANs have been amended following a review. Schools that do not use these QANs are not affected. The QANs are: 60308746 (digital games production - discount code changed from MJ5 to KA4) and 60306956 (laboratory skills - discount code changed from RA32 to RA14).
Last Updated: 14/06/2017 10:04:10
New multiple pathway qualifications and discount code changes We have been advised of some qualifications that are now multiple pathway qualifications and have amended these on QWS. Schools not using the following QANs are not affected. The QANs concerned are as follows: 50073643 (original Production Arts QAN is now discount code LE1 (was LC11)); 50073801; 50073813 (original Production Arts QAN is now discount code LE1 (was LC11)); 6003953X; 60068218; 6006822X; 60311745 (original QAN had a discount code of 2210 - new multiple has discount codes 9050 and 9080). We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Last Updated: 19/05/2017 12:16:01
Discount Code Changes With apologies for any inconvenience caused, we have been advised that for reasons of consistency the discount codes for the following QANs have had to be amended from HL7 to HL73. Schools not using these QANs are not affected by these changes. The qualifications are related to barbering and the reference numbers are: 50087307 and 50087319.
Last Updated: 05/05/2017 13:09:38
Discount Code Changes With apologies for any inconvenience caused, we have been advised that for reasons of consistency the discount codes for the following QANs have had to be amended from HC42 to PA1. Schools not using these QANs are not affected by these changes. The qualifications are: Preparing to work in adult social care QANs 60140409, 60140410, 60167257, 6016735X, 6017450X; Skills for Working in the Health Care, Adult Care and Child Care Sectors QAN 60173762.
Last Updated: 13/04/2017 10:42:15
Further discount changes With apologies for any inconvenience caused, we have been advised that for reasons of consistency the discount codes for the following QANs have had to be amended. Schools not using these QANs are not affected by these changes: Hair and media make-up (50088452, 6001393X), land based technology (50103118, 50106788, 50106831), clinical healthcare support (50122824), tyre fitting principles (60014490), complementary therapies (60049637), plumbing (60055005, 60094321), health and fitness (60095611), medical administration (60101921), hospitality (60102305, 60102317), creative techniques – interiors (60120745), vehicle accident repair (60171637), auto - electrical/mobile operations (60172381), waxing techniques (50086273), disabled client exercise (60056812), manicure treatments (60065345), first emergency response care (60159108), digital literacy (50065452).
Last Updated: 31/03/2017 15:25:57
DISCOUNT CODE CHANGES Following recommendations by Education Advisors as part of the 2018 Autumn Discounting Review it has been necessary to amend the discount codes for some QANs. Schools not using these QANs are not affected. We apologise for any inconvenience these changes may cause you. The affected QANs area as follows: Laboratory skills (60174602, 60303943, 60304613), cloud systems (6018775X), catering skills (60301946), beauty consultancy (60302318), hair/make-up artistry (60302355, 60303797), beauticians (60302379), beauty retail (6030358X), sport/exercise science/personal training/recreation (60302483, 60302495, 60302501, 60304431, 60304443, 60304790, 60304807), information technology/computing (60303098, 60304455, 60304467, 60304546, 60304558, 60305101), business administration/enterprise (60304819, 60304820).
Last Updated: 31/03/2017 14:39:41
Discount code changes: Theatrical and media make up, power network engineering, information technology, fitness services, automotive industries, laboratory skills, land and wildlife management With apologies for any inconvenience caused, we have been advised that for reasons of consistency the discount codes for the following QANs have had to be amended. Schools not using the QANs quoted will not be affected: Theatrical and media make up (60169874, 60169886, 60175011, 6017514X); power network engineering (60170827); information technology (60171261, 60171303); fitness services (60172150); automotive industry (60173828, 6017383X); laboratory skills (60174584, 60174614): land and wildlife management (60175576, 60175588, 60175643, 60175655).
Last Updated: 15/02/2017 15:56:55
Discount code changes: Public space surveillance, spectator safety, food safety, use of pesticides, construction - road building, beauty therapy massage For reasons of consistency it has been necessary to amend the discount codes for some QANs. These QANs are related to a number of subjects, but this action will not affect schools who do not use the QANs listed below. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Public space surveillance - now coded QH3: 50078537, 50112053, 60031281, 60037763.
Spectator safety - now coded - QH11: 60013266, 60013333, 60014234, 60018537, 6001863X, 60021780, 60029262, 60044706, 60047835, 60048311, 60055959, 60066866, 60071357, 60071382, 60119706, 60159157, 60165224, 60178188, 6017819X, 5005546X, 50056591, 50067631, 5007460X, 60019347, 60071308, 60110053, 6014483X, 60152527, 60160615, 60168882, 60178176.
Food safety - now NH3: 50074155.
Use of pesticide - now QD3: 60151419, 60151420, 60151432, 60151535, 50071038, 60151456, 6015147X, 60151493, 6015150X, 60151511, 60151523, 60153180.
Construction - road building - now TK7: 60081211, 60119391, 60122602
Beauty therapy massage - now HL12: 50087836, 50088610, 50090057, 50110214, 60170657, 60189691.
Last Updated: 13/01/2017 10:54:41
Changes to discount codes - IT support For reasons of consistency it has been necessary to amend the discount codes for some QANs. These QANs are for IT support. This action will not affect schools who do not use these QANs. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. The QANs are: 60145420, 60171261, 60171303.
Last Updated: 05/10/2016 11:42:29
CONFIRMATION IN ADVANCE OF CENSUS: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES. PLEASE BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE WHO WORK WITH KS4 AND POST 16 QUALIFICATIONS - INCLUDING EXAMS OFFICERS In advance of the 2016 autumn census we hope you will find it useful that below we have repeated information previously published on QWS latest news on 16 December 2016. This is intended to save you time if you have questions that may be answered by reference to the following information about KS4 and Post 16 discount codes:
Please be aware that the discount codes listed on QWS may not necessarily be the ones in use for KS4 performance tables. The codes in use on QWS apply to 16-18 performance tables only and for many qualifications different codes are used in KS4. KS4 discount codes can be found at RAISEonline(https://www.raiseonline.org/documentlibrary/ViewDocumentLibrary.aspx) by clicking on the tab ‘Further details of the revised performance tables qualifications, discount rules and early entrance guidance from 2014’.
Last Updated: 04/10/2016 14:03:56
Discount code changes - food and beverage service For reasons of consistency it has been necessary to amend the discount codes for some QANs. These QANs are for food and beverage service. This action will not affect schools who do not use these QANs. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. The QANs are: 50065336, 50067540, 50074544, 60048323.
Last Updated: 20/09/2016 09:08:20
Information about performance measures We have received some queries about performance measures. While QWS does not hold performance measures we hope the following information will be helpful: The Key stage 4 performance points document will give you tables of the Key Stage 4 performance points for 2015. This is on webpage https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/school-and-college-performance-tables-documents-key-stage-4. Page https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/progress-8-school-performance-measure includes a word document ‘Progress 8 measure in 2016, 2017 and 2018’. Annex A gives the GCSE points scores for KS4 in those years. KS5 performance points can be found at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/16-to-19-accountability-headline-measures-technical-guide. The points for 2015 may be seen by looking at the technical guide in Annex D. 2016 scores will stay the same for A-levels but level 2 qualifications will be counted from 2016 and points for those have not been decided yet.
Last Updated: 01/09/2016 09:18:01
Changes to discount codes For reasons of consistency it has been necessary to amend the discount codes for some QANs. These QANs are for media literacy. This action will not affect schools who do not use these QANs. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. The QANs are: 50066031, 50066043, 60056356, 6005637x, 60088837, 60089064.
Last Updated: 20/07/2016 14:20:07
Discount Code amendment for QAN 60181606 With apologies, it has been necessary to correct a discount code for a QAN on QWS. QAN 60181606 (AQA Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Spanish) now has the correct code 5750. This does not affect schools who do not use this qualification.
Last Updated: 31/05/2016 15:03:44
Discount code changes With apologies for any inconvenience caused, it has been decided that for reasons of consistency the discount codes for the following QANs has been changed from ‘WB31’ to ‘TG8’
60021445 - Cskills Awards L3 NVQ Diploma in Decorative Finishing - Painting and Decorating (Construction) (QCF)
60028919 - Pearson Edexcel Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Decorative Finishing - Painting and Decorating (Construction) (QCF)
60036357 - Cskills Awards Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Decorative Finishing - Painting and Decorating (Construction) (QCF)
60065102 - GQA Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Decorative Finishing and Industrial Painting Occupations (QCF)
60069867 - GQA Level 3 NVQ Diploma In Decorative Finishing - Painting and Decorating (QCF)
60072374 - Cskills Awards Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Decorative Finishing - Painting and Decorating (Construction) (QCF)
60079575 - NOCN Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Decorative Finishing and Industrial Painting Occupations (Construction) (QCF)
60090972 - Pearson Edexcel Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Decorative Finishing - Painting and Decorating (Construction) (QCF)
60112359 - City & Guilds Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Decorative Finishing - Painting and Decorating (Construction) (QCF)
60173944 - TQUK Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Decorative Finishing - Painting and Decorating (Construction) (RQF)
And for the following QAN from ‘TG1’ to ‘TG2’
6006576X - Ascentis Level 1 Award in Trowel Operations (QCF)
Schools that do not use the QANs quoted above will not be affected.
Last Updated: 28/04/2016 14:47:03
Important information about discount codes Please be aware that the discount codes listed on QWS may not necessarily be the ones in use for KS4 performance tables. The codes in use on QWS apply to 16-18 performance tables only and for many qualifications different codes are used in KS4. KS4 discount codes can be found at RAISEonline(https://www.raiseonline.org/documentlibrary/ViewDocumentLibrary.aspx) by clicking on the tab ‘Further details of the revised performance tables qualifications, discount rules and early entrance guidance from 2014’.
Last Updated: 16/12/2015 14:27:59
Important information about QANs 60146412 and 60146424 This information is only for the attention of schools using QANs 60146412 and 60146424. We can confirm that the OFQUAL Register, Section 96 and QWS are correct in presenting these qualifications as follows:
60146412 – AQA English A Level – English Language and Literature – discount code 5010
60146424 – AQA English AS Level - English Language and Literature – discount code 5010
A source outside the Department had presented the AS and A level as the other way round - but this is being corrected. If these QANs are reported for school census it must be as shown above.
Last Updated: 13/10/2015 12:14:14
UPDATE: Technical problem with census file downloads With many apologies for inconvenience caused - the technical problem reported yesterday has now been resolved. If problems with the download of the Awarding Body file were experienced, you should now be able to complete a fresh download. If problems were not encountered - there is no need to undertake a new download in relation to this problem.
Last Updated: 08/10/2015 08:58:50
Technical problem with census file downloads A technical problem is being experienced by some schools. This is related to the awarding body file but does not seem to be related to the previous duplicate awarding body code issue. We are working with a software supplier to resolve the issue. Latest News will be updated as soon as the problem has been resolved.
Last Updated: 07/10/2015 13:43:18
UPDATE: Possible download problem - duplicate Awarding Body Codes This note is an update to the previous Latest News article (2.10.2015): Some users of QWS have experienced further problems with awarding body codes when downloading files. Further amendments have now been made to some codes. If you have not had any problems downloading files there will be no need to download again. If problems have been experienced, this note advises that all files have now been amended so that duplicate code issues are resolved. This has included changing two awarding body codes: Vetskills is now code 719 (rather than 104); Occupational Awards (OAL) is now code 720 (rather than 105). We apologise for inconvenience caused but confirm that if you did not experience these problems there will be no need to repeat the download process in relation to these changes.
Last Updated: 07/10/2015 08:43:46
Possible download problem - duplicate Awarding Body Codes Some problems may have been encountered downloading QWS files on 1 October 2015. This was due to a coding issue. This has now been resolved and new downloads should now be possible. If such problems were not experienced (i.e. duplicate awarding body codes) - there will not be a need to repeat the download. With apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Last Updated: 02/10/2015 09:30:47
Art and Design Advanced GCEs and Advanced Subsidiary GCEs - changed to multiple pathway qualifications The following Art and Design qualifications have been amended so that they are now multiple pathway qualifications. Discount codes to distinguish the syllabus pathways have been provided. Schools who do not use these qualifications are not affected. The qualifications are:
AQA Advanced GCE - 60144567; AQA AS GCE - 60147064
WJEC Advanced GCE - 60148913; WJEC AS GCE - 60148925
Pearson Advanced GCE - 60149589; Pearson AS GCE - 60149577
OCR Advanced GCE - 60150889; OCR AS GCE - 60150877
Last Updated: 03/08/2015 16:39:44
Changes to Qualification Types and Awarding Bodies This note is to advise users of QWS that some changes have been made to data items on QWS, as described in the previous QWS latest news article of 1 May 2015. This has affected some Qualification Type and Awarding Body data. These data items are not collected in the school census but may be used in school MISs to identify qualifications. Changes have brought QWS into line with other data sources. Suppliers of management information systems have been advised about these changes. Please bring this to the attention of those who work with KS4 and Post 16 qualifications (including exams officers). If there are any queries or concerns please use the usual Service Request Form to raise these.
Last Updated: 10/07/2015 12:55:50
Discount code change for QAN 60117916 It has been necessary to amend the discount code for one QAN. This change does not affect you if you are not using this QAN. The discount code for QAN 60117916 has been changed from BC to BA1. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Last Updated: 10/07/2015 08:47:48
Discount Code Changes It has been decided that the following changes to discount codes for QANs on QWS should be made. We apologise for inconvenience caused. This will not affect you unless you are using the following QANs: Health, Social care & Early Years (10033385, 10033397, 10033403); Human Biology (50023408, 50023512, 50024619, 50024723, 50024747, 50027591); Statistics (10034900, 10034912); IBO Reflective Project (60158700). Additionally: 6015665X (Electrical Installation), 60156661 (First Aid at Work), 60156703 (Engineering Technologies), 60156843 (Hospitality & Catering), 60157422 (Further Study: Science & Engineering), 60157434 (Further Study: Business, Administration & Law), 60157446 (Further Study: Education), 6015746X (Further Study: Social Science & Humanities), 60157495 (Skills for Social Care), 60158323 (Dance Fitness Leadership), 60158335 (Community Dance Leadership).
Last Updated: 14/05/2015 11:03:38
UCAS Points on QWS update Following the QWS Latest News article of 1st May 2015, UCAS Points fields on QWS have now been amended to zero. If points information is required by suppliers, schools or local authorities, it is available on the Ofqual Register. A download may be obtained by going to the Ofqual register and accessing the ‘Search Qualifications’ page (http://register.ofqual.gov.uk/Qualification). Clicking on the link ‘Export Performance Measures’ will present a list of qualifications with their performance points. If there are any queries or concerns please use the usual Service Request Form to raise these.
Last Updated: 08/05/2015 10:09:48
Forthcoming changes to Qualification Types, Awarding Body Codes and UCAS Points This note is to warn users of QWS that there will be some changes made to data items on QWS. This will affect some Qualification Type and Awarding Body codes; and also change some QAN/code combinations for these data items. These data items are not collected in the school census but may be used in school MISs to identify qualifications. Changes will bring QWS into line with other data sources. We will also be making all UCAS points values equal `zero’ (as we had already done for QCA points). This is because there is currently not a reliable way for us to maintain Points data accurately on QWS. Suppliers of management information systems have been consulted about these changes which will take place in the current school term. We will provide more information on actual dates as soon as possible – but would advise you to check QWS Latest News regularly for further updates. Please bring this to the attention of those who work with KS4 and Post 16 qualifications (including exams officers). If there are any queries or concerns please use the usual Service Request Form to raise these.
Last Updated: 01/05/2015 16:31:25
Changes to discount codes for some `learning and development' and `early years education' QANs It has been decided that the following changes to discount codes were necessary. These changes have been made on QWS - with apologies for any inconveniance caused.
Learning and development: Discount code changed from GA33 to GB8 for the following QANs:
60025566, 60027460, 60118891, 60022115, 60019827, 60024070, 60030513.
Early Years Education: Discount code changed from GA33 to PT21 for the following QANs:
60139559, 60126292, 60131184, 60138166
Last Updated: 16/04/2015 10:17:38
Change of discount code for QAN 50067035 It has been decided that the discount code for QAN 50067035 (City and Guilds Level 2 Certificate in Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (2D) (QCF)) - should change from CQ5 to VF12. We apologise for inconvenience this may cause.
Last Updated: 08/04/2015 09:47:19
Changes to discount codes for economics (three QANs) and child development and well being (two QANs) It has been decided that the discount codes for five QANs should be changed. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Action has been taken on QWS and the affected QANs are as follows:
The discount code has been changed from 3230 to 4410 for the following qualifications:
50024425 – Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Economics and Business; 50024620 – Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Economics and Business; 50045751 – Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE in Business Studies and Economics.
Child development and well-being:
The discount code has been changed from GA33 to PT21 for the following qualifications:
60131172 – City & Guilds Level 3 (Technical) Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner (Early Years Educator) (VRQ); 60121476 – CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Early Years Education and Care (Early Years Educators) (VRQ)
Last Updated: 12/02/2015 14:44:36
DISCOUNT CODE CHANGES FOR THREE QANS - DYSPRAXIA AWARENESS With many apologies for any inconvenience caused, it has been decided that three QANs require changes to their discount codes. These QANs are for the subject of Dyspraxia Awareness. Action has been taken on QWS but this does not affect schools not using these QANs. The references are: 60139316; 60139328; 60139390. Discount codes have been changed from HG5 to GB86.
Last Updated: 09/09/2014 09:32:34
DISCOUNT CODE CHANGES FOR SIX LEVEL 3 QUALIFICATIONS Further to yesterday’s news item, it has been decided that discount codes should change for six A2/AS level Human Biology qualifications as follows:
50023408 AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Human Biology – new disc_code = 1030
50023512 AQA Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Human Biology – new disc_code = 1030
50024619 OCR Level 3 Advanced GCE in Human Biology – new disc_code = 1030
50024723 OCR Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Human Biology – new disc_code = 1030
50024747 WJEC Level 3 Advanced GCE in Human Biology – new disc_code = 1030
50027591 WJEC Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Human Biology – new disc_code = 1030
We again apologise for inconveniance caused. These changes only affect those using these QANs. Further changes of this sort are not anticipated at this stage, but we do advise regular checks of Latest News.
Last Updated: 22/08/2014 08:37:36
ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT CODE CHANGES It has been decided that some further QANs require amendment to their discount codes. Action has been taken on QWS. With apologies, again, for inconvenince this may cause, these changes only affect those using the following QANs:
10034900 AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Statistics - new disc_code = 2510
10034912 AQA Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Statistics - new disc_code = 2510
50040108 Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate in Global Perspectives and Independent Research - new disc_code = 7810
60032145 Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate in Global Perspectives (Short Course) - new disc_code = 7810
50096916 IMIAL Level 3 Diploma in Auto Electrical and Mobile Electrical Principles (QCF) - new disc_code = XS6
60054979 City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma In Plumbing Studies (QCF) – new disc_code = TH3
60054992 City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma In Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures) (QCF) – new disc_code = TH22
60054980 City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures) (QCF) – new disc_code = TH22
60054402 City & Guilds Level 1 Certificate In Introduction to Electrical Installation Skills (QCF) – new disc_code = TH22.
Last Updated: 05/09/2014 08:50:03
UPDATE TO 13 AUGUST DISCOUNT CODE ITEM On 13 August we notified discount code changes for a set of QANs on Latest News. We have today updated this meassge to indicate the following:
We hope this update will alleviate some work in checking through QANs.
NB: Because the 13 August message has been updated, it now shows 15 August but is the item immediately previous to this one.
Last Updated: 15/08/2014 10:00:53
CHANGES TO DISCOUNT CODES The decision has been made to change the discount codes for the following QANs. This action has been taken on QWS. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but making the amendments will make the return of census data easier.
The following QANs have had their discount code amended on 13 August 2014. This action will only affect those using these QANs:
60133405, 60133417, 60133430, 60133466, 60133479, 6013348X, 10053840, 10053852, 1005876X, 10058771, 50010098, 50034479, 50042026, 50062633, 50062645, 50062736, 50063352, 50063376, 50063443, 50065257, 50065440, 5006597X, 50087794, 50089092, 50092169, 50092376, 50093083, 50093216, 50094397, 50099164, 50099796, 50103337, 50103386, 50104366, 60008325, 60008337, 60008350, 60008374, 60008386, 6000843X, 60008544, 60008556, 60008568, 60008581, 60008593, 6000860X, 60008623, 60008647, 60008659, 60008660, 60008672, 60008684, 60008726, 6000874X, 60008751, 60008763, 60008775, 60008787, 60019852, 6002219X, 60022243, 6002673X, 60026741, 60026765, 60027071, 60027654, 60032212, 60043076, 60044159, 60044895, 60045280, 60045292, 60045310, 60045371, 60045395, 60045838, 60048037, 60048049, 60048505, 60048761, 60051462, 60078029, 60079885, 60085381, 60085599, 60085794, 60086580, 60089544, 60090054, 60092634, 60099689, 60102780, 60103255, 60103863, 60104168, 60105112, 60106025, 60107170, 60107868, 60109865, 60121051, 60131391, 60131421, 10036179, 10036180, 10036192, 10037408, 1003741X, 10037421, 10037433, 10037445, 10039302, 10039326, 10039429, 10042660, 10042672, 10042684, 10042696, 10042702, 10045132, 10045144, 10045156, 10045168, 1004517X, 10045818, 1004582X, 10045831, 10045843, 10045855, 10048807, 10048819, 10048820, 10048832, 10048844, 10048856, 10048996, 10049009, 10049010, 10049022, 10049034, 10049381, 10049393, 10050619, 10050620, 10050632, 10051296, 10051302, 10051314, 10051326, 10051338, 10057183, 10057195, 10057201, 10057213, 10057225, 10057237, 10057390, 10057407, 10057419, 10057420, 10057432, 10059878, 1005988X, 10059891, 10064187, 10064199, 50021382, 50021163, 50021151, 50021825, 50021813, 50022647, 50022982, 50022507, 50022519, 50082000, 50082012, 50082024, 50082036, 5008205X, 50115017, 50115029, 50115030, 60040075, 60042795, 60042059, 60042072, 60042060, 60042084, 60038202
Last Updated: 15/08/2014 09:52:10
IMPORTANT UPDATE ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES. PLEASE BRING THIS TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE WHO ARE WORKING WITH KS4 AND POST 16 QUALIFICATIONS - INCLUDING EXAMS OFFICERS Schools and local authorities may have noticed that for some qualifications RaiseOnline is listing KS4 discount codes and also listing ‘original’ discount codes. This has led some to believe that the ‘original’ discount codes are out of date. This is not correct, there are in fact two different systems of discount codes in effect. The discount codes that apply to pre 16, ie KS4, performance tables were updated following the Wolf review of education but the discount codes that apply to post 16 performance measures were not updated. Some qualifications can be taken both in KS4 and in post 16 and therefore have two different discount codes – both of which are valid but in different circumstances.
QWS is a tool created by the Department for Education to assist in the reporting of post-16 learning aims and as such contains the post 16 discount codes. A full list of pre 16 discount codes can be found on Raise Online at https://www.raiseonline.org/documentlibrary/ViewDocumentLibrary.aspx by looking under the heading ‘Further details of the revised performance tables qualifications, discount rules and early guidance for 2014’.
Last Updated: 25/07/2014 13:42:32
Discount Code amendments In advance of the 2014 census the department has carried out a quality review of discount codes on QWS and have found that there are some QANs for which discount codes need to be amended. A list of these QANs is at the end of this bulletin. We are sorry that amending these QANs will cause extra work for some schools, but we hope that these amendments will make the return of data in the autumn more straightforward. This does not affect any other QANs on QWS.
We would like to make it clear that this exercise is entirely separate from the advice of 31 March below.
The QANs whose Discount Codes have been amended in the current exercise are listed here:
50102436, 60017442, 60020131, 60048803, 60049066, 60053318, 60053902, 60054189, 60054335, 60054980, 60056393, 60062137, 60065898, 60075971, 60080838, 60085460, 60085824, 60087869, 60099148, 60103796, 60105434, 60122547, 60123643, 60124362, 60125275, 60127466, 60127508, 60129050, 6004973x, 6010434X, M1033988
Last Updated: 19/06/2014 11:42:42
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES: PLEASE BRING THIS UPDATE TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE WHO ARE WORKING WITH KS4 AND POST 16 QUALIFICATIONS – INCLUDING EXAMS OFFICERS Last September, Raise Online published a new set of Key Stage 4 discount codes. As mentioned in the QWS Latest News articles in advance of School Census 2013, some of these codes are not the same as listed on QWS. This is correct since Post 16 codes have not changed. We appreciate that these differences complicate some of the work within management information systems and we are sorry that this is the case. However, we cannot amend Post 16 (i.e. QWS) discount codes since they are currently correct. This note is to ensure that exams officers and those working with management information systems in schools are aware that QWS discount codes will not always match the codes for pre 16.
It must be emphasised that QWS is provided by the Department to make the download of Post 16 School Census data more manageable. It only contains data on Post 16 qualifications that are funded for teaching in England. We are aware that management information systems may use QWS for wider purposes. Thus, we have sent system suppliers a look up file detailing the codes in question in the hope that if QWS is used for other purposes, the changes may be easily managed. We have also discussed this with them and will continue to do so. This article is to ensure that all officers in schools are aware of this situation – including exams officers even if there is no Post 16 provision in the school (as they need to be aware that in some cases Key Stage 4 discount codes are not those downloaded through QWS). We advise checking with management information suppliers to see how this situation should be managed. Other QWS queries may of course be sent through the EDD Helpdesk.
Last Updated: 31/03/2014 14:21:04
Discount Code Update for F1 codes The following discount codes have now been added into QWS as mentioned in the previous Latest News message. Please read the previous message (2 October 2013) to find out important information about these codes. Codes are as follows: F1H – Hebrew Language F1K – Greek (Classic) F1L - Latin F1P – Persian Language F1Z – Other ClassicalLang. With apologies for the delay in adding these codes.
Last Updated: 09/10/2013 12:57:32
Discount Codes - Important Update This is an update to previous advice:
Schools may be aware that a file of new Discount Codes has been published on Raiseonline for the 2014 KS4 performance tables, These Discount Codes apply only to KS4, not to Post-16. Therefore QWS retains the older discount codes.
It appears that some awarding bodies have used the new codes in the data files they send schools to assist in processing qualifications (these files are often called basedata) and some school Management Information Systems (MIS) use these files to link the school census learning aims data to the awarding body entrance and results data. This discrepancy between QWS discount codes and those used by some awarding organisations is causing some confusion and can interfere with the matching of records. The Department is providing MIS suppliers with a file containing both sets of discount codes in order to help them in overcoming these problems.
The Department would prefer if the Discount Codes listed in the QWS system were returned. However, if this proves overly burdensome the new Discount Codes that may appear in basedata (as described above) will be acceptable. Discounting will work as if there were only one set of codes and the Department will use internal systems to match qualifications which use the new codes.
There five new discount codes which cannot currently be loaded on to QWS until w/c 7 October 2013 due to technical issues. These are:
F1H – Hebrew Language
F1K – Greek (Classic)
F1L - Latin
F1P – Persian Language
F1Z – Other ClassicalLang
If the above Discount Codes are relevant to a school’s census return there are currently two options:
1 Use the existing QWS discount code for the QAN
2 If QWS codes cannot be used, please wait until QWS Latest News advises that the new codes may be used.
May we again apologise for inconvenience caused by the above issue.
Last Updated: 02/10/2013 10:55:55
Discount Codes RaiseOnline has published a file of new Discount Codes but these apply only to KS4, not to Post-16. Therefore QWS retains the older discount codes. It appears that some awarding bodies have used the new codes in the data files they send schools to assist in processing qualifications (these files are often called basedata) and some MISs use these files to link the school census learning aims data to the awarding body entrance and results data.
This discrepancy between discount codes is causing some confusion in schools. The Department is providing MIS suppliers with a file containing both sets of discount codes in order to help them in overcoming these problems.
Last Updated: 26/09/2013 13:12:57
Discount Code change to QAN 60064821 With apologies - a further discount code amendment has been made this morning. QAN 60064821 has been amended to HL to be consistent with other sources.
Last Updated: 20/09/2013 12:21:04
Change to Discount Code for QAN 60061789 Following a query received, an incorrect discount code was identified on QWS. With apologies for inconvenience this may cause, the discount code for QAN 60061789 has been changed from KJ2 to the correct code PA1.
Last Updated: 20/09/2013 11:05:40
Work Placement/Experience QANs have changed With apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, the QANs used for Work Placement/Experience have changed. The new QANs will need to be used for the autumn 2013 School Census return. The original codes that the Information Authority set up for work experience have been changed as there was a decision to shift the bands’ boundaries because of the traineeship programme. Below are the details of the changes:
New QAN references: Z0007834, Z0007835, Z0007836, Z0007837, Z0002348
Old QAN references: Z0002341, Z0002342, Z0002343, Z0002344, Z0002345, Z0002346
Last Updated: 03/09/2013 11:38:24
INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE OVERALL QAN In response to queries received, the guidance provided about the return of the overall IB QAN and the components has been re examined. The revised guidance is as follows:
QANs are available for the overall International Baccalaureate (IB) and for each component (or subject) qualification. For those students taking the full IB, it is essential that the overall IB QAN is recorded in school MIS and returned in the School Census. QANs for the individual components need not be returned if the full IB is being undertaken. Students who are only taking components of the IB, but not going for the overall qualification, should return the QANs for those components. If the full IB is not being undertaken the overall QAN should not be returned.
If the components have already been input alongside the overall QAN there is no need to remove them.
Last Updated: 03/10/2012 12:22:52
Discount Code changes May/June 2012 update The changes to Discount Codes noted in the previous Latest News bulletin have now been completed, aside from a small number of tidy up tasks. We will update Latest News when these final changes have been completed. We apologise once again for any inconvenience this exercise may have caused. A list of the QANs that have been amended can be found on the DfE website at the address below.
Last Updated: 19/06/2012 15:21:10
Discount Code changes May/ June 2012 In preparation for the autumn 2012 School Census the Department is about to conduct a major revision of Discount Codes on QWS. This revision is necessary to eliminate discrepancies between QWS and the discount codes used in the Performance Tables, where they define when the performance points and threshold contribution of qualifications discount against each other. It is our hope that this co-ordination of Discount Codes will help to make matching of learning aims to exam results easier for the autumn 2012 School Census and beyond.
The co-ordination will involve changing the Discount Codes for about a quarter of the QANs on QWS. Schools are advised not to download QWS files or use these to assign learning aims to students until the co-ordination work has been concluded. Schools may also need to re-examine their learning aims data after 15 June in case these have been affected by the changes.
To enable this work to be carried out, QWS will be unavailable between 9am and 10am on Thursday 24 May. Further checking and testing as well as manual revisions will follow and the Department aims to complete this work by 15 June 2012.
A further note will appear on QWS Latest News when this work has been completed. A list of the affected QANs will be provided as well.
Last Updated: 23/05/2012 15:18:53
Temporary Discount Codes for new QANs QWS managers are currently reviewing the process by which Discount Codes are allocated to QANs. In the meantime, so that new qualifications may be added to QWS, a discount code of `0000’ is being used for new QANs on a temporary basis. Discount Codes will be updated as soon as possible, and this will also be notified on Latest News. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Last Updated: 12/04/2012 13:12:35
Qualifications removed from QWS Seven qualifications have been removed from QWS today. These qualifications were added to QWS due to a procedural error for which we very much apologise. If you have NOT selected these qualifications for your Census return there is no need to make any changes to your data. The qualifications affected are all Level 5 qualifications from the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM). The QAN references are as follows:
50036075, 50036233, 5003716X, 50037626, 50038795, 50055665, 50084653
Last Updated: 03/10/2011 13:51:18
The QWS QAN Support Team link The QWS QAN Support Team link is now working. We apologise for any inconvenience caused while this link was temporarily unavailable.
Last Updated: 03/10/2011 12:48:42
Helpdesk Link Update As notified on 29 September, the QWS QAN Support Team link is currently not working. This link is planned to be restored by Monday 3 October. If trying to use the link before then, please be aware that work may be under way. The address given in the Latest News item on 29 September is correct in any case i.e. DSD.Helpdesk@education.gsi.gov.uk
Last Updated: 30/09/2011 12:00:06
QAN Support Team email link unavailability With apologies, the link on the QWS Generic QAN Data page, to register a request for help - is currently unavailable. The following email address should be used to request help about QWS:
We apologise for inconvenience caused, and will notify you when the link has been restored.
Last Updated: 29/09/2011 10:52:40
Further Information on End Dates As advised on Latest News in advance of the May 2011 Census, OFQUAL now “Regulate” (rather than “Accredit”) qualifications; and End Dates are used only when Awarding Body advise. For Autumn 2011 Census, we are retaining current QWS End Date fields, as we did for Summer 2011 Census. These dates should be used as they have been in the past. Changes in the nature of Date fields will not make a difference to the QANs selected for the Autumn Census but, as advised in Post 16 Guidance, a check of QANs that are nearing their expiry date is advisable (e.g. to check for a successor qualification).
Given time available, and future changes in the way Post 16 data will be collected, it was decided that any development work to update QWS would be planned for after the Autumn Census.
To confirm, fields are as follows:
Accreditation Start Date: Now the Regulation Start Date (i.e. date from which the QAN was notified to OFQUAL). Same date as Accreditation Start Date.
Accreditation End Date: Now the Review Date (i.e. date from which Awarding Bodies should extend the qualification; or provide End Dates).
Certification Date*: Same meaning as previously – but may appear as 31/12/2050 if the Awarding Body has not provided End Dates.
Approval Start Date: This date will either be the Operational Start Date; or the date a qualification was loaded onto the Register.
Approval End Date*: Still the critical date to consider for funding purposes. Will be the Operational End Date where Awarding Body has provided one.
*NB: After DfE Section 96 database update, fields holding 31/12/2099 will be blank on S96. QWS will continue to use dummy dates (31/12/2050) until development work is carried out to allow a blank value. Some End Date fields will continue to hold original End Dates for Autumn Census.
Last Updated: 14/09/2011 13:36:41
QWS address change This message is to provide notification that the address for the QWS site has changed. The old address will continue to work for the time being, but the new address is as follows:
Last Updated: 27/04/2011 09:51:15
Further Information on End Dates On 16 February we notified, via Latest News, that we were investigating how QWS would work in response to changes to the use of Qualification End Dates. The change means that OFQUAL now Regulate (rather than Accredit) qualifications; and End Dates are only used only on Awarding Body advice. For Summer Census, we are retaining current QWS End Date fields. They should be used as they have been in the past. Changes in the nature of Date fields will not make a difference to the QANs selected for Summer Census, but a check of QANs that are nearing their expiry date is advisable (e.g. to check for a successor qualification). Fields are as follows:
Accreditation Start Date: Now the Regulation Start Date (i.e. date from which the QAN was notified to OFQUAL). Same date as Accreditation Start Date.
Accreditation End Date: Now the Review Date (i.e. date from which Awarding Bodies should extend the qualification; or provide End Dates).
Certification Date*: Same meaning as previously – but may appear as 31/12/2050 if the Awarding Body has not provided End Dates.
Approval Start Date: This date will either be the Operational Start Date; or the date a qualification was loaded onto the Register.
Approval End Date*: Still the critical date to consider for funding purposes. Will be the Operational End Date where Awarding Body has provided one.
*NB: After DfE Section 96 database update, fields holding 31/12/2099 will be blank on S96. QWS will continue to use dummy dates (31/12/2050) until development work is carried out to allow a blank value. Some End Date fields will continue to hold original End Dates for Summer Census.
Last Updated: 20/04/2011 13:47:53
Discount Code amendments With apologies, in response to a query received, the Discount Codes for two QANs have been amended on QWS. We make every effort to minimise changes of this nature, and fully apologise for any extra work this may cause. However, it was felt that in this instance, these changes would increase the quality of coding, and were a reasonable period of time in advance of Census.
QANs 50022684 and 50023275 (Edexcel PE) were coded MA2, but now have the Discount Code 7210.
Last Updated: 15/04/2011 11:14:06
Discount Code Changes With many apologies, it has been necessary to amend some Discount Codes in advance of the Summer Census. We continue to look at how we can improve Discount coding overall, but these specific changes were thought necessary due to queries raised with us. Some changes are as a result of source code changes. We appreciate changes of this nature cause great inconvenience, but will help to make matching more accurate and effective in the long term. QAN references are as follows: 50023408; 50023512; 50026732; 50026549; 5004560X; 10008500; 50024619; 50024723; 50024747; 50027591; 50030814; 1005554X; 10055538; 50022313; 50048685; 50021904.
Last Updated: 25/02/2011 07:52:36
Amendment to Default Dates On 16 February we notified you that due to implications arising from a European directive, we would need to use default dates where End Dates had not yet been provided. The default date used will now be 31/12/2050 rather than 31/12/2099, as the original date caused problems for some users of QWS. We apologise for any inconvenience caused - and changes to dates should be completed early on 18 February.
Last Updated: 17/02/2011 15:42:40
Notification of removal of QANs We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you, but it has been necessary to withdraw six QANs from QWS. This is because they will not attract public funding, since they are employer based qualifications. These QANs were added to QWS in November/December 2010 as part of a general update. Due to the their nature it is most likely that this change will not affect schools - but for information the references are as follows: 50103064; 50103088; 5010309X; 50122939; 50122940; 50111486.
Last Updated: 17/02/2011 11:53:42
End Dates New qualifications (and updates to existing qualifications) continue to be loaded onto QWS as soon as possible after they are notified to us. Following an examination of the implications of a European Directive, the use of End Date fields is under review. Certification End Dates can now not be presented until notification is received from Awarding Bodies. Where an Awarding Body has not yet provided End Dates for new qualifications, a default date of 31/12/2099 has been placed in the Certification End Date field. How QWS will present End Dates in the future is currently being considered. For the time being, please continue to use the Approval End Date field as the indication that a qualification is nearing its expiry date (although only qualifications added or amended from February 2011 onwards are affected at time of writing). Further information on the use of End Dates will be provided as soon as possible.
Last Updated: 16/02/2011 13:32:53
Three Discount Code Changes Following a query received by DfE, and subsequent analysis, it has been necessary to amend three QAN/Discount Code combinations. We very much apologise for the inconvenience this change may cause, but this action was necessary and will improve the effectiveness of the database.
The following QANs have had their Discount Codes amended to:
QAN 10055629 now has a Discount Code of 1320
QAN 10055630 now has a Discount Code of 0028
QAN 10055617 now has a Discount Code of 1310
Last Updated: 11/02/2011 07:37:57
Discount Code Correction - QAN 50015898 With many apologies, it has been necessary to correct a Discount Code. The QAN concerned (50015898) is a Multiple Pathway QAN, and it was identified that two pathways shared the same Discount Code. The Physical Theatre Discount Code has now been amended from LC11 to LCDO. All other pathways have their original codes. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this change may cause.
Last Updated: 26/01/2011 13:38:53
QAN 50045362: Converted to a Multiple Pathway QAN QAN 50045362 has been converted into a QAN with multiple pathways. We are very sorry that this correction was necessary. This will allow distinct QAN/Discount Code combinations to be used.
Last Updated: 25/01/2011 11:40:33
QAN made into a Multiple 15/10/2010: QAN 50018097 has been made into a multiple QAN. This change will not affect those who have already downloaded data. This change was made in response to a query received. We apologise for the change – but this should not impact on other users.
Last Updated: 15/10/2010 16:21:20
XML FILES SAFE TO USE 14/10/2010: XML files have been checked and they are safe to use. This includes both the zipped and individual files. We are sorry for any delay this checking has caused you - but wanted to ensure any potential issue was notified and corrected as soon as possible. No technical issues with the files were identified - so schools which have already downloaded their data do not need to repeat the process.
Last Updated: 14/10/2010 10:50:54
IMPORTANT FURTHER UPDATE: XML FILES 13/10/2010: A technical problem is causing the XML files generated by the QWS web site to be truncated. The following advice updates the message previously posted about zipped XML files, since the truncation now appears to affect individual files also. As a result of this issue, the most recently added QANs are missing from the XML files. If you have already downloaded QWS files and allocated Learning Aims to students, this problem will not affect you and there is no need to alter your School Census return. Schools currently seeking to download the most recent list of Learning Aims are advised to use the CSV files until further notice. This issue will be resolved as soon as possible, but we apologise again for the inconvenience this may cause you.
Last Updated: 13/10/2010 17:08:18
Potential problem concerning QWS Zipped XML Files We are currently investigating a potential problem with the zipped version of the XML Current QAN. We are advising use of the individual XML files, rather than the zipped versions, until further notice. With apologies for inconvenience caused.
Last Updated: 13/10/2010 16:21:44
Headline: QAN added to QWS 11 October 2010: QAN 50056530 has been added to the QWS database (Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate in English as a Second Language). We apologise for the need for this addition, but it was necessary to assist those who need to select this QAN.
Last Updated: 11/10/2010 11:40:30
Young Applicants in Schools Scheme Higher Level Modules 8 October 2010: With many apologies for the amendment, the end dates on QANs for Young Applicants in Schools Scheme Higher Level Modules, have been extended on QWS. This will allow these units to be selected safely by those who need to - but should not affect those not selecting these units.
Last Updated: 08/10/2010 07:29:58
QAN: 50078884 ameded to a Multiple This is to notify an amendment to a QAN on QWS. QAN 50078884 has been ameded to a `multiple pathway' QAN following a query received.
This change does not mean that those using the original structure need to make an amendment to their data, unless the new structure is more helpful.
We apologise for this change to QWS data.
Last Updated: 27/09/2010 12:50:56
QWS Certificate Change - 15 September 2010 On 15 September 2010, the security certificate for COLLECT will be changing from `DCSF' to `Education'. This change will mean that when accessing the QWS site, a message will appear saying that the certificate is no longer valid.
QWS users may continue to use the site as normal, but to avoid recieving the warning message, may wish to amend the QWS address they use from `DCSF' to `Education'.
QWS should not be unavailable while this change takes place, but may be a little temperamental between 8am and 12pm.
We apologise for any inconveniance this may cause.
Last Updated: 14/09/2010 10:59:25
Advice concerning IGCSE and Qualification Catalogue New IGCSE qualifications have been received - and added to QWS. It was necessary to create a new Qualification Type for these qualifications (OGO). It may be beneficial to ensure the most up to date Qualification Catalogue is used (i.e. download the latest). This advice is dependent on how individual software systems operate.
Last Updated: 25/06/2010 16:50:51
Changes to QWS w/c 7 June 2010 11/06/2010: With many apologies, we have this afternoon received a similar query to that shown below for 09/07/2010. Again, we felt this change was necessary to make. Therefore, QAN 10053797 is now a `multiple'.
09/07/2010: As a result of a query received this afternoon, we have had to amend a qualification on QWS. We very much appreciate that this is change is within the Census collection period, but felt that amendment in this case was unavoidable. Therefore, QAN 50015898 is now a `multiple' qualification. We apologise that this late change was necessary.
Last Updated: 11/06/2010 15:55:02
Further changes to QANs on QWS - w/c 24 May 2010 28.5.2010: As stated in previous Latest News messages, as a result of queries received, an investigation was carried out to see why some QANs had not been correctly extended. The outcome was that there were a set of QANs that had not updated correctly - which have now been identified and corrected. With many apologies for inconvenience caused.
26.5.10: A QAN has had its Approval and Certification End Dates extended, as a result of a query received. As stated below, an investigation is underway to assess why, in a small number of cases, QANs have not been updated.
Details of this QAN are:
QAN 10058229 (1st 4 Sport Level 3 Certificate in Coaching). Approval End Date now 31/12/2010; Certification End Date now 31/12/1013.
25.5.10: Three QANs have had their Approval End Date and Certification End Date extended on QWS. With apologies, these changes were made following analyses as a result of queries received. A further investigation to see why this was necessary has begun. Details are as follows:
QAN 10029473 (City & Guilds Level 2 NVQ in Sport, Recreation and Allied Occupations: Activity Leadership). Approval End Date now 31/12/2010; Certification End Date now 31/12/2012.
QAN 10029333 (City & Guilds Level 2 NVQ in Sport, Recreation and Allied Occupations: Operational Services). Approval End Date now 31/12/2010; Certification End Date now 31/12/2012.
QAN 10064515 (AQA Level 1/Level 2 GCSE in Use of Mathematics (Pilot)). Approval End Date now 31/08/2010; Certification End Date now 31/08/2011.
Last Updated: 28/05/2010 11:57:31
Amended Discount Codes for four QANs With apologies, this news item advises of changes to the Discount Codes for four QANs. As previously advised, changes to Discount Codes are being kept to an absolute minimum, but these amendments are as a result of investigations in response to a query received:
50022271 AQA Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in History of Art: Changed from 3820 to 3830
50022246 AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in History of Art: Changed from 3820 to 3830
50022532 AQA Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Design and Technology: Product Design (Textiles): Changed from 9080 to 9050
50022416 AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Design and Technology: Product Design (Textiles): Changed from 9080 to 9050
Last Updated: 24/05/2010 14:44:25
School Census Summer 2010 QWS was updated with the latest information on QANs on 14 May 2010. Any subsequent changes that need to be made to existing QANs on QWS before the Census window closes will be flagged on QWS latest news.
Please note that QWS contains some expired QANs. Users are advised to either check the Approval End Date on QWS for the QAN they are using or to consult the section 96 database (http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/section96/).
Last Updated: 18/05/2010 16:34:32
The new QWS News Facility is LIVE! Welcome to the new QWS News Facility. Catch all the latest news here!
Last Updated: 18/05/2010 09:51:32